

Clinical trial: multispecies probiotic supplementation alleviates the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome and stabilizes intestinal microbiota   [2008]

Kajander, Kajsa; Myllyluoma, E.; Rajilić-Stojanović, Mirjana  ; Kyronpalo, S.; Rasmussen, M.; Jarvenpaa, S.; Zoetendal, Erwin G.; de Vos, Willem M.; Vapaatalo, H.; Korpela, R.

Antioxidants for liver disease: authors’ reply (✓)   [2010]

Bjelaković, Goran  ; Gluud, L. L.; Nikolova, D.; Bjelakovic, M.  ; Nagorni, Aleksandar ; Gluud, C.

Systematic review: primary and secondary prevention of gastrointestinal cancers with antioxidant supplements (✓)   [2008]

Bjelaković, Goran  ; Nikolova, Dimitrinka; Simonetti, Rosa G.; Gluud, Christian

Meta-analysis: antioxidant supplements for liver diseases - the Cochrane Hepato-Biliary Group (✓)   [2010]

Bjelaković, Goran  ; Gluud, L. L.; Nikolova, D.; Bjelakovic, M.  ; Nagorni, Aleksandar ; Gluud, C.

Meta-analysis: antioxidant supplements for primary and secondary prevention of colorectal adenoma (✓)   [2006]

Bjelaković, Goran  ; Nagorni, Aleksandar V. ; Nikolova, DImitrinka; Simonetti, Rosa G.; Bjelaković, Marija  ; Gluud, Christian

Clinical trial: a multicentre, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, dose-finding, phase II study of subcutaneous interferon-beta-1a in moderately active ulcerative colitis   [2008]

Pena-Rossi, C.; Schreiber, S.; Golubović, Gradimir; Mertz-Nielsen, A.; Panes, J.; Rachmilewitz, D.; Shieh, M. J.; Simanenkov, V. I.; Stanton, D.; Graffner, H.

Systematic review: gastric microbiota in health and disease   [2020]

Rajilić-Stojanović, Mirjana  ; Figueiredo, Ceu; Smet, Annemieke; Hansen, Richard; Kupcinskas, Juozas; Rokkas, Theo; Andersen, Leif; Machado, Jose C.; Ianiro, Gianluca; Gasbarrini, Antonio;
Leja, Marcis; Gisbert, Javier P.; Hold, Georgina L.;


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