

Improvement of the epoxy coating properties by incorporation of polyaniline surface treated TiO2 nanoparticles previously modified with vitamin B6 (✓)   [2016]

Radoman, Tijana S.  ; Džunuzović, Jasna V.  ; Grgur, Branimir N.  ; Gvozdenovic, Milica M.  ; Jugović, Branimir Z.  ; Miličević, Dejan S.  ; Džunuzović, Enis S.  

The influence of thin benzoate-doped polyaniline coatings on corrosion protection of mild steel in different environments   [2013]

Elkais, Ali Ramadan; Gvozdenović, Milica M.  ; Jugović, Branimir  ; Grgur, Branimir  

Electrochemical and sorption characteristics and thermal stability of epoxy coatings electrodeposited on steel modified by Zn-Co alloy   [2002]

Bajat, Jelena  ; Mišković-Stanković, Vesna  ; Kačarević-Popović, Zorica M.  

Moisture absorption capacity of polyamide 6,6 fabrics surface functionalised by chitosan-based hydrogel finishes   [2011]

Glampedaki, Pelagia; Jocić, Dragan; Warmoeskerken, M. M. C. G.

Effect of mesoporous silica nanoparticles on the properties of polyurethane network composites (✓)   [2021]

Pergal, Marija  ; Brkljačić, Jelena  ; Tovilović-Kovačević, Gordana  ; Špírkova, Milena; Kodranov, Igor; Manojlović, Dragan  ; Ostojić, Sanja  ; Knežević, Nikola  

Electrochemical synthesis and characterization of polyaniline thin film and polyaniline powder (✓)   [2011]

Elkais, Ali Ramadan; Gvozdenović, Milica  ; Jugović, Branimir  ; Stevanović, Jasmina  ; Nikolić, Nebojša  ; Grgur, Branimir  

Corrosion behavior and thermal stability of electrodeposited PANI/epoxy coating system on mild steel in sodium chloride solution   [2006]

Grgur, Branimir  ; Gvozdenović, Milica  ; Mišković-Stanković, Vesna  ; Kačarević-Popović, Zorica M.  

Polyamidoamine as a clay modifier and curing agent in preparation of epoxy nanocomposites   [2019]

Tomić, Milos; Dunjić, Branko  ; Nikolić, Marija S.  ; Trifković, Kata ; Stanković, Nadezda  ; Pavlović, Vladimir  ; Bajat, Jelena  ; Djonlagić, Jasna 


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