

Geochemistry of the hydrothermal dickite from Jedlina Zdroj (Lower Silesia, Poland): Fe3+   [2010]

Krstić, Nenad ; Đorđević, Dragan  ; Pavle Premović

Paleomagnetic evidence for CW rotation in the Western Vardar zone of Serbia   [2017]

V. Lesić; E. Márton; Cvetkov, Vesna V.  ; Gajić, Violeta M.  ; D. Jovanović

Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary clay (Fish Clay) at Højerup (Stevns Klint, Denmark): Cu and Cr in the smectite concentrate   [2010]

Stanković, Maja  ; Miloš Đorđević; Nikolić, Nikola  ; Todorović, Bratislav  ; Pavle Premović


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