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Camacho, Charles; Fernandez-Merchant, Silvia; Jelic-Milutinovic, Marija; Kirsch, Rachel; Kleist, Linda; Matson, Elizabeth B; White, Jennifer

Traingle-free graphs that do not contain an induced subdivision of K4 are 3-colorable   [2018]

Chudnovsky, Maria; Liu, Chun‐Hung; Schaudt, Oliver; Spirkl, Sophie; Trotignon, Nicolas; Vušković, Kristina  

On the order of antipodal covers (✓)   [2024]

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A Class of Three-Colorable Triangle-Free Graphs (✓)   [2013]

Radovanović, Marko  ; Vušković, Kristina  

Finite homomorphism-homogeneous tournaments with loops   [2008]

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Linear Balanceable and Subcubic Balanceable Graphs* (✓)   [2014]

Aboulker, Pierre; Radovanović, Marko  ; Trotignon, Nicolas; Trunck, Théophile; Vušković, Kristina  

Some unavoidable subgraphs of tournaments   [1988]

Petrovic Vojislav

A structure theorem for graphs with no cycle with a unique chord and its consequences   [2010]

Trotignon, Nicolas; Vušković, Kristina  

An improved upper bound for the grid Ramsey problem   [2020]

Milićević, Luka  

Edge-disjoint Hamiltonian cycles in hypertournaments   [2006]

Petrovic Vojislav; Thomassen Carsten


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