

Soccer vs. running training effects in young adult men: which programme is more effective in improvement of body composition? Randomized controlled trial   [2015]

Milanović, Zoran  ; Pantelić, Saša  ; Kostić, Radmila ; Trajković, Nebojša  ; Sporiš, Goran

Effect of sensory stimulation on salivary IgA secretion rate in karate players   [2010]

Baralić, Ivana; Miletić, Ivanka; Đorđević, Brižita  ; Terzić, T.  ; Radojević-Skodrić, Sanja  ; Nikolić, G.  

Eight months of school-based soccer improves physical fitness and reduces aggression in high-school children (✓)   [2020]

Trajković, Nebojša  ; Madić, Dejan  ; Milanović, Zoran  ; Mačak, Draženka  ; Padulo, Johnny; Krustrup, Peter; Chamari, Karim

A comparison in knee flexor and extensor strength following ACLreconstruction in international, male soccer players receivingpatellar tendon or hamstrings grafts (✓)   [2024]

Milutinović, Andreja; Jakovljević, Vladimir  ; Dabović, Milinko  ; Scanlan, Aaron; Radovanović, Dragan  ; Orlova, Aleksandra; Stojanović, Emilija  

Relative pitch area plays an important role in movement attern and intensity in recreational male football (✓)   [2019]

Pantelić, Saša  ; Rađa, Ante; Erceg, Marko; Milanović, Zoran  ; Trajković, Nebojša  ; Stojanović, Emilija  ; Krustrup, Peter; Randers, Morten B.

Effects of small-sided games and high-intensity interval training on physical performance in young female handball players   [2021]

Vukadinovic-Jurisic, Mila D; Jaksic, Damjan D  ; Trajkovic, Nebojsa  ; Rakonjac, Dusan; Peulic, Jovica; Obradovic, Jelena M  

Factors affecting match running performance in elite soccer: Analysis of UEFA Champions League matches   [2023]

Modric, Toni; Versic, Sime; Stojanovic, Marko DM  ; Chmura, Pawel; Andrzejewski, Marcin; Konefal, Marek; Sekulic, Damir

Short-term H-2 inhalation improves running performance and torso strength in healthy adults   [2019]

Javorac, Dejan; Stajer, Valdemar L  ; Ratgeber, Laszlo; Betlehem, Jozsef; Ostojic, Sergej M  

Physiological responses and activity demands remain consistent irrespective of team size in recreational handball (✓)   [2020]

Stojiljković, Nenad  ; Scanlan, Aaron; Dalbo, Vincent; Stankovic, Ratko  ; Milanović, Zoran  ; Stojanović, Emilija  


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