

Accelerated Dai-Liao projection method for solving systems of monotone nonlinear equations with application to image deblurring (✓)   [2022]

Ivanov, Branislav  ; Milovanovic, Gradimir, V ; Stanimirovic, Predrag S.  

New heuristic for harmonic means clustering   [2015]

Carrizosa, Emilio; Alguwaizani, Abdulrahman; Hansen, Pierre; Mladenović, Nenad  

Fitting censored quantile regression by variable neighborhood search   [2015]

Rajab, Rima Sheikh; Dražić, Milan ; Mladenović, Nenad  ; Mladenović, Pavle  ; Yu, Keming

Low order-value approach for solving VaR-constrained optimization problems   [2011]

Birgin, E. G.; Bueno, L. F.; Krejić, Nataša  ; Martínez, J. M.

EFIX: Exact fixed point methods for distributed optimization   [2022]

Jakovetić Dušan  ; Krejić Nataša  ; Krklec Jerinkić Nataša  

Some properties of a hypergeometric function which appear in an approximation problem   [2012]

Milovanović, Gradimir ; Rassias, Michael Th.

Parallel-batching scheduling with nonlinear processing times on a single and unrelated parallel machines   [2018]

Kong, Min; Liu, Xinbao; Pei, Jun; Pardalos, Panos; Mladenović, Nenad  

A variable neighborhood search algorithm for the (r vertical bar p) hub-centroid problem under the price war (✓)   [2021]

Cvokic, Dimitrije D; Kochetov, Yury A; Plyasunov, Aleksandr V; Savic, Aleksandar Lj  

Solving the planar p-median problem by variable neighborhood and concentric searches   [2015]

Drezner, Zvi; Brimberg, Jack; Mladenović, Nenad  ; Salhi, Said

Spectral projected gradient method for stochastic optimization   [2019]

Krejić, Nataša  ; Krklec Jerinkić, Nataša  


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