

Silent coronary artery disease in asymptomatic patients with severe aortic stenosis and normal exercise testing (✓)   [2020]

Banović, Marko  ; Iung, Bernard; Brković, Voin; Nikolic, Serge; Mitrović, Predrag  ; Van, Camp Guy; Penicka, Martin; Simić, Dragan  ; Kockova, Radka; Aleksandrić, Srđan ;
Ašanin, Milika  ; Nedeljković, Ivana  ; Popović, Dejana  ; Putnik, Svetozar  ; Jauković, Milena; Bartunek, Jozef;

One-year performance of thin-strut cobalt chromium sirolimus-eluting stent versus thicker strut stainless steel biolimus-eluting coronary stent: a propensity-matched analysis of two international all-comers registries   [2021]

Vlieger, Selina; Danzi, Gian Battista; Kauer, Floris; Oemrawsingh, Rohit M; Stojkovic, Sinisa M; IJsselmuiden, Alexander JJ; Routledge, Helen; Laanmets, Peep; Roffi, Marco; Frobert, Ole;
Baello, Pascual; Wlodarczak, Adrian; Puentes, Angel; Polad, Jawed; Hildick-Smith, David;

Velocity propagation of early diastole is a valuable tool for left ventricular remodelling after the first myocardial infarction   [2009]

Ćelić, Vera  ; Dekleva, Milica  ; Kostić, Nada; Colić, Mirko  ; Suzić, Jelena; Radivojević, Nenad; Majstorović, Anka; Penčić, Biljana

Incidence, predictors, and 30-day outcomes of new-onset atrial fibrillation after primary percutaneous coronary intervention: insight into the RISK-PCI trial (✓)   [2012]

Mrdović, Igor  ; Savić, Lidija  ; Krljanac, Gordana  ; Peruničić, Jovan; Ašanin, Milika  ; Lasica, Ratko  ; Antonijević, Nebojša  ; Kocev, Nikola  ; Marinković, Jelena ; Vasiljević, Zorana ;
Ostojić, Miodrag ;

The influence of bisoprolol dose on ADP-induced platelet aggregability in patients on dual antiplatelet therapy   [2010]

Ignjatović, Vladimir  ; Petrovic, Njegos; Miloradović, Vladimir  ; Ignjatović, Snežana; Ignjatović, Vesna  ; Grdinic, Aleksandra; Simić, Ivan  ; Petrović, Ivica  ; Petrović, Sara  ; Andjelkovic, Aleksandar;
Paramentic, Dusan; Ignjatovic, Slavisa;


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