

Latissimus dorsi free flap phalloplasty: a systematic review (✓)   [2020]

Kojović, Vladimir Lj.  ; Marjanović, Marko; Radenković, Ana; Ilić, Predrag N.; Simić, Radoje  ; Bojović, Branko

Is there a line between ethics and market competition? Lights and shades of the withdrawal of collagenase treatment for Peyronie's disease   [2021]

Cocci, Andrea; Russo, Giorgio Ivan; Ignacio, Martinez-Salamanca Juan; Ralph, David J; Djinovic, Rados P; Serefoglu, Ege Can; Mondaini, Nicola

Overview on metoidioplasty: variants of the technique (✓)   [2020]

Bižić, Marta  ; Stojanović, Borko; Benčić, Marko; Bordás, Noémi; Đorđević, Miroslav  

Penile girth enhancement procedures for aesthetic purposes   [2021]

Manfredi, Celeste; Romero, Otero Javier; Djinovic, Rados P


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