

User s Perception of Alternative Services   [2010]

Stamatovic-Gajic Branka; Avdibegovic Esmina; Bombardi Daniele; Serra Paolo; Peric Nenad; Gajić, Tomislav

Quality of Life and Psychopathology in Adolescence: Different or Similar Measuring Constructs?   [2014]

Stevanovic, Dejan S; Atilola, Olayinka; Balhara, Yatan Pal Singh; Avicenna, Mohamad; Kandemir, Hasan; Vostanis, Panos; Knez, Rajna; Franic, Tomislav; Petrov, Petar

Changing framework of services - To wait or not to wait?   [2011]

Stamatović Gajić, Branka  ; Lečić Toševski, Dušica ; Gajić, Tomislav; Djukic Dejanovic S; Maksimovic M; Vukovic M

Psychiatric departments in General hospitals in Serbia - organizational structure   [2009]

Stamatović-Gajić, Branka; Gajić, Tomislav; Đukić Dejanović, Slavica; Lečić-Toševski, Dušica 

User s perception of alternative services   [2013]

Stamatović Gajić, Branka  ; Avdibegovic E; Bombardi D; Serra P; Peric N; Gajić, Tomislav

Cost-effectiveness analysis of pharmacotherapy of depression in youth   [2011]

Ristić, Radmila Dimitrijević; Dimitrijević, Snežana; Lazić, Dijana; Stevanović, Milena Gajić

Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Pharmacotherapy of Adjustment Disorder in Youth   [2013]

Ristic-Dimitrijevic, Radmila; Dimitrijevic, Snezana; Lazic, Dijana P; Nenadovic, Milutin M


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