

The need for quality trade union organisation   [2012]

Kostić, Duško M.  ; Cvejić, Radoje; Marković, Radmila

Labour dispute settlements in Serbia (✓)   [2003]

Jašarević, Senad  

The basic characteristics of the information technology sector in Serbia   [2017]

Miletić, Dalibor; Vojvodić, Anka; Vojvodić, Marko

Serbia - equity and efficiency - hand-in-hand   [2011]

Pavlović, Dušan  ; Arandarenko, Mihail  

Challenges and impacts of the digital transformation of society in the social sphere (✓)   [2017]

Komarčević, Miodrag; Dimić, Milovan; Čelik, Petar  

Migrations of the labour force from Serbia   [2005]

Vuković, Drenka 

Poverty and social exclusion as modern problem of the Serbian economy (✓)   [2015]

Miletić, Dalibor; Mićić, Vladimir  ; Sovtić, Krunislav  


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