

Malacological and sedimentological evidence for "warm'' glacial climate from the Irig loess sequence, Vojvodina, Serbia   [2007]

Marković, Slobodan  ; Oches, Eric A.; Mccoy, William D.; Frechen, Manfred; Gaudenyi, Tivadar  

Aeolian dust dynamics in central Asia during the Pleistocene: Driven by the long-term migration, seasonality, and permanency of the Asiatic polar front   [2008]

Machalett, Bjoern; Oches, Eric A.; Frechen, Manfred; Zoeller, Ludwig; Hambach, Ulrich; Mavlyanova, Nadira G.; Marković, Slobodan  ; Endlicher, Wilfried

Active Degassing of Deeply Sourced Fluids in Central Europe: New Evidences From a Geochemical Study in Serbia   [2021]

Randazzo, P; Caracausi, A; Aiuppa, A; Cardellini, C; Chiodini, G; D'Alessandro, W; Li, Vigni L; Papic, Petar J; Marinkovic, Goran H; Ionescu, A

Subduction‐Legacy and Olivine Monitoring for Mantle‐Heterogeneities of the Sources of Ultrapotassic Magmas: The Italian Case Study (✓)   [2023]

Jennifer Günther; Dejan Prelević  ; Dieter F. Mertz; Alexander Rocholl; Regina Mertz‐Kraus; Sandro Conticelli

Erosion rate study at the Allchar deposit (Macedonia) based on radioactive and stable cosmogenic nuclides (Al-26, Cl-36, He-3, and Ne-21)   [2016]

Cvetković, Vladica  ; Pavićević M.K.; Niedermann S.; Pejović V.; Amthauer G.; Boev B.; Bosch F.; Aničin I.V.; Henning W.F.

Aeolian dust dynamics in central Asia during the Pleistocene: Driven by the long-term migration, seasonality, and permanency of the Asiatic polar front   [2009]

Machalett B; Oches E. A; Frechen M; Zöller L; Hambach U; Mavlyanova N. G; Marković Slobodan  ; Endlicher W


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