

A Stable Fuzzy-Based Computational Model and Control for Inductions Motors   [2023]

Liu, Yongqiu; Zhong, Shaohui; Kausar, Nasreen; Zhang, Chunwei; Mohammadzadeh, Ardashir; Pamucar, Dragan  

Methodology for Road Defect Detection and Administration Based on Mobile Mapping Data (✓)   [2021]

Davidović, Marina  ; Kuzmić, Tatjana  ; Vasić, Dejan; Wich, Valentin; Brunn, Ansgar; Bulatović, Vladimir  

Spherical Linear Diophantine Fuzzy Sets with Modeling Uncertainties in MCDM   [2021]

Riaz, Muhammad; Hashmi, Masooma Raza; Pamucar, Dragan  ; Chu, Yu-Ming

Rock Mass Quality Rating Based on the Multi-Criteria Grey Metric Space (✓)   [2024]

Gligorić, Miloš; Gligorić, Zoran; Jovanović, Saša  ; Lutovac, Suzana; Pamučar, Dragan; Janković, Ivan

A Novel Feature Aggregation Approach for Image Retrieval Using Local and Global Features   [2022]

Li, Yuhua; He, Zhiqiang; Ma, Junxia; Zhang, Zhifeng; Zhang, Wangwei; Chatterjee, Prasenjit; Pamucar, Dragan  


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