

C‐reactive protein as an early predictor of anastomotic dehiscence in various types of reconstruction in elective abdominal surgery (✓)   [2023]

Scepanovic, Milena; Randjelovic, Tomislav ; Karamarkovic, Aleksandar  ; Cuk, Vladimir ; Stanojevic, Goran  ; Kovacevic, Bojan  

Optimal surgical treatment for bilateral multinodular goitre (✓)   [2007]

Karanikolic, Aleksandar D  ; Pesic, Milica M  ; Djordjevic, Nebojsa P ; Kocic, Radivoj D  ; Radenkovic, Sasa P  ; Pesic, Miomir; Stankovic-Djordjevic, Dobrila M  

Heart insufficiency in traumatic arteriovenous fistulas   [2007]

Iljevski, Nenad  ; Otašević, Petar  ; Milosavljević, Bratislav; Jovović, Ljiljana; Sagić, Dragan ; Radak, Đorđe 


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