

Geoarchaeological evaluation of the soil profiles and collapsed Neolithic structures in Trenches XIX, XXII and XXIII at Drenovac, Serbia (✓)   [2019]

Charles French; Ian Ostericher; Loren Murch; Tonko Rajkovača; Perić, Slaviša R.  

Geophysical Surveys at Drenovac in 2012 and 2013 (✓)   [2019]

Perić, Slaviša R.  ; Vladimir Miletić

Chemical analysis of tarry materials found on pottery from Neolithic settlements in Serbia (✓)   [2019]

Sofia Mitkidou; Evaggelia Dimitrakoudi; Nikolaos Kokkinos; Dushka Urem-Kotsou; Bajčev, Olga S.  ; Perić, Slaviša R.  


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