

East Vardar ophiolites revisited: a brief synthesis of geology and geochemical data (✓)   [2018]

Boev, Blažo; Cvetković, Vladica  ; Prelević, Dejan  ; Šarić, Kristina  ; Boev, Ivan

The role of forest ecosystems in the process of mitigation and adaptation to the effects of climate change   [2019]

Ristić, Ratko  ; Malušević, Ivan; Radić, Boris  ; Milanović, Slobodan  ; Milčanović, Vukašin  ; Polovina, Siniša  

Mehanical Composition of the Soils Formed on Limestones and Dolomites in the Republic of Macedonia   [2015]

M. Markoski; T. Mitkova; K. Vasilevski; Tomić, Zorica ; Marjan Andreevski; V. Tanaskovik


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