

New Melissiodontinae (Mammalia, Rodentia) from the Paleogene of south-east Serbia   [2018]

Wessels, Wilma; Van, de Weerd Andrew A; De, Bruijn Hans; Markovic, Zoran R

New late Oligocene rodent faunas from the Pannonian basin   [2021]

Van, de Weerd Andrew A; De, Bruijn Hans; Wessels, Wilma; Markovic, Zoran R

Pseudocricetodontinae (Mammalia, Rodentia) from the Paleogene of south-east Serbia   [2020]

Markovic, Zoran R; Wessels, Wilma; Van, de Weerd Andrew A; De, Bruijn Hans

Small mammals from the opencast lignite mine Gracanica (Bugojno, middle Miocene), Bosnia and Herzegovina   [2020]

Wessels, Wilma; De, Bruijn Hans; Markovic, Zoran R; Milivojevic, Milos

On a new diatomyid (Rodentia, Mammalia) from the Paleogene of south-east Serbia, the first record of the family in Europe   [2018]

Markovic, Zoran R; Wessels, Wilma; Van, de Weerd Andrew A; De, Bruijn Hans

Dipodidae (Mammalia, Rodentia) from the Paleogene of south-east Serbia   [2020]

Wessels, Wilma; Van, de Weerd Andrew A; De, Bruijn Hans; Markovic, Zoran R

Rodent faunas from the Paleogene of south-east Serbia   [2018]

De, Bruijn Hans; Markovic, Zoran R; Wessels, Wilma; Milivojevic, Milos; Van, de Weerd Andrew A

Pappocricetodontinae (Rodentia, Muridae) from the Paleogene of south-east Serbia   [2019]

De, Bruijn Hans; Markovic, Zoran R; Wessels, Wilma; Van, de Weerd Andrew A

Deperetomys (Rodentia, Muridae) from the Oligocene of Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina   [2020]

Markovic, Zoran R; De, Bruijn Hans; Van, de Weerd Andrew A; Wessels, Wilma

Paracricetodontinae (Mammalia, Rodentia) from the late Eocene and early Oligocene of south-east Serbia   [2018]

Van, de Weerd Andrew A; De, Bruijn Hans; Markovic, Zoran R; Wessels, Wilma


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