

Quartz OSL and polymineral post IR–IRSL dating of the Požarevac loess–palaeosol sequence in north–eastern Serbia   [2021]

Perić Zoran; Marković Slobodan  ; Filyó Dávid; Thiel Christine; Murray Andrew S.; Gavrilov Milivoj; Nett Janina J.; Sipos György

Spatial differences in the luminescence sensitivity of quartz extracted from Carpathian Basin fluvial sediments   [2021]

Bartyik Tamás; Magyar Gergő; Filyó Dávid; Tóth Orsolya; Blanka-Végi Viktória; Kiss Tímea; Marković Slobodan  ; Persoiu Ioana; Gavrilov Milivoj; Mezősi Gábor;
Sipos György;

Establishing a luminescence chronology for a palaeosol-loess profile at Tokaj (Hungary): A comparison of quartz OSL and polymineral IRSL signals   [2012]

Schatz, Ann-Kathrin; Buylaert, Jan-Pieter; Murray, Andrew S; Stevens, Thomas; Scholten, Thomas

Luminescence age constraints on the Pleistocene-Holocene transition recorded in loess sequences across SE Europe   [2019]

Constantin D.; Veres Daniel; Panaiotu C.; Anechitei-Deacu V.; Groza S. M.; Begy R.; Kelemen S.; Buylaert Jan Pieter; Hambach Ulrich; Marković Slobodan  ;
Gerasimenko N.; Timar-Gabor Alida;

Luminescence chronology of the upper part of the Stari Slankamen loess sequence (Vojvodina, Serbia)   [2010]

Schmidt, E.D.; Machalett, B.; Marković, Slobodan  ; Tsukamoto, S.; Frechen, M.

Luminescence dating of fluvial deposits in Vojvodina, N Serbia: First results   [2012]

Popov, D.; Vandenberghe, D.A.G.; Marković, Slobodan  


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