

The protective role of AMPK and Akt in neurotoxicity caused by intracellular and extracellular alpha-synuclein accumulation in vitro   [2014]

Dulovic, M.; Jovanovic, M.; Harhaji Trajković, Ljubica  ; Stefanis, L.; Xilouri, M.; Kostic, V.; Trajkovic, V.  ; Markovic, I.  

Graphene quantum dots show protective effect on a model of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis   [2016]

Tošić, Jelena  ; Vidičević, Sašenka  ; Stanojević, Željka  ; Paunović, Verica G.  ; Petricevic, S.  ; Martinović, Tamara  ; Kravić-Stevović, Tamara K.  ; Ćirić, Darko  ; Marković, Zoran M.  ; Isaković, Aleksandra J.  ;
Trajković, Vladimir S.  ;

Assessment of impaired glucocorticoid signaling in negative affective states via FKBP51 and glucocorticoid receptor phosphorylation   [2014]

Jovicic, M.; Simić, Iva  ; Pavlović, Z.  ; Andrić, S.; Mihaljevic, M. ; Adžić, Miroslav  ; Maric, N. P.  

Oxytocin modulates HPA axis activity and hormone response to stress in rats chronically treated with corticosterone   [2016]

Stanic, D.  ; Petrovic, J.  ; Mirkovic, D.  ; Dordevic, T.; Duric, V.; Jovanović, Predrag ; Dronjak, Slađana  ; Pesic, V.  

Affective temperament traits of adolescents in Serbia   [2016]

Jovic, J.  ; Ignjatović-Ristić, D.  ; Hinic, D.  ; Akiskal, H.; Akiskal, K.; Maremmani, I.; Ristic, I.; Popovic, D.; Corac, A.  

Epigenetic signature of early trauma: differences in the FKBP5 DNA methylation levels among psychotic patients, their healthy siblings and controls   [2017]

Mihaljevic, M.; Franić, Dušanka ; Soldatovic, I.  ; Andric, S.; Stankovic, B.  ; Zukic, B.  ; Pavlović, Suncan  ; Adžić, Miroslav  ; Maric, N.  

Melatonin mediated antidepressant-like effect in the hippocampus of chronic stress-induced depression rats: Regulating vesicular monoamine transporter 2 and monoamine oxidase A levels   [2016]

Stefanović, Bojana  ; Spasojević, Nataša  ; Jovanović, Predrag ; Jasnić, Nebojša  ; Đorđević, Jelena D.; Dronjak, Slađana  

Influence of antipsychotics on bone mass and glucocorticoid receptor expression in the brain of rats perinatally treated with phencyclidine (✓)   [2014]

Nikolić, Tatjana  ; Petronijević, Milan  ; Velimirović, Milica  ; Stojković, Tihomir  ; Jevtić Dožudić, Gordana  ; Radonjić, N.; Petronijević, Nataša  


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