

Regional differences among female patients with heart failure from the Cardiac Insufficiency BIsoprolol Study in ELDerly (CIBIS-ELD) (✓)   [2014]

Apostolovic, Svetlana  ; Stanojevic, Dragana; Lainscak, Mitja; Gelbrich, Goetz; Jankovic-Tomasevic, Ruzica; Pavlovic, Milan  ; Djordjevic-Radojkovic, Danijela  ; Salinger-Martinovic, Sonja  ; Putniković-Tošić, Biljana ; Radovanovic, Slavica;
Waagstein, Finn; Tomasevic, Miloje; Tahirovic, Elvis; Inkrot, Simone; Musial-Bright, Lindy; Düngen, Hans-Dirk;

High-frequency QRS analysis compared to conventional ST-segment analysis in patients with chest pain and normal ECG referred for exercise tolerance test   [2015]

Conti, Alberto; Alesi, Andrea; Aspesi, Giovanna; De, Bernardis Niccolò; Bianchi, Simone; Coppa, Alessandro; Donnini, Chiara; Grifoni, Caterina; Becucci, Alessandro; Casula, Claudia

Erectile dysfunction as a predictor of two-year prognosis in acute myocardial infarction (✓)   [2017]

Apostolović, Svetlana  ; Stanojevic, Dragana; Jankovic-Tomasevic, Ruzica; Salinger-Martinovic, Sonja  ; Kostić, Tomislav  ; Perišić, Zoran  

"The significant other": Evaluation of side branch ostial compromise in bifurcation stenting (✓)   [2020]

Iles, Tinen L.; Stanković, Goran R.  ; Lassen, Jens Flensted


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