

Sex Reassignment Surgery: Vaginoplasty Using Urethral Mucosa   [2019]

Lopez, Rodriguez Javier Alonso; Stanojevic, Nikola; Djinovic, Rados P

Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction Using a New Protocol with Low-Intensity Shock Waves (LISW) and Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Intracavernosal Injections   [2019]

Ruffo, Antonio; Riccardo, Filippo; Iacono, Fabrizio; Stanojevic, Nikola; Lopez, Rodriguez Javier Alonso

New Protocol for Peyronie's Disease: Combination of Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Injections with Vacuum Device Physiotherapy   [2019]

Ruffo, Antonio; Riccardo, Filippo; Iacono, Fabrizio; Stanojevic, Nikola; Franco, Marco; Lopez, Rodriguez Javier Alonso

Total Phalloplasty Using Latissimus Dorsi Free Flap: 10-Year Experience in 185 Male to Female Transgender Patients   [2019]

Stanojevic, Nikola; Pesic, Vladislav; Djinovic, Rados P; Ruffo, Antonio; Lopez, Rodriguez Javier Alonso


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