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Steelman, Linda S; Chappell, William H; Abrams, Stephen L; Kempf, C Ruth; Long, Jacquelyn M; Laidler, Piotr; Mijatović, Sanja  ; Maksimović-Ivanić, Danijela  ; Stivala, Franca; Mazzarino, Maria C;
Donia, Marco; Fagone, Paolo; Malaponte, Graziella; Nicoletti, Ferdinando; Libra, Massimo; Milella, Michele; Tafuri, Agostino; Bonati, Antonio; Baesecke, Joerg; Cocco, Lucio; Evangelisti, Camilla; Martelli, Alberto M; Montalto, Giuseppe; Cervello, Melchiorre; McCubrey, James A;

Evidence for the progression through S-phase in the ectopic cell cycle re-entry of neurons in Alzheimer disease   [2009]

Bonda, David J; Evans, Teresa A; Santocanale, Corrado; Catala, Llosa Jesus; Vina, Jose; Bajic, Vladan P  ; Castellani, Rudy J; Siedlak, Sandra L; Perry, George; Smith, Mark A;
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Heterogeneity in brain distribution of activated microglia and astrocytes in a rat ischemic model of Alzheimer’s disease after 2 years of survival (✓)   [2020]

Radenovic, Lidija  ; Nenadic, Marija  ; Ułamek-Kozioł, Marzena; Januszewski, Sławomir; Czuczwar, Stanisław J.; Anđus, Pavle  ; Pluta, Ryszard

Host-commensal interaction promotes health and lifespan in Caenorhabditis elegans through the activation of HLH-30/TFEB-mediated autophagy   [2021]

Dinić, Miroslav  ; Herholz, Marija; Kačarević, Uroš; Radojević, Dušan  ; Novović, Katarina  ; Đokić, Jelena  ; Trifunović, Aleksandra; Golić, Nataša  


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