

An Assessment of Police Officers’ Perception of Hotspots: What Can Be Done to Improve Officer’s Situational Awareness? (✓)   [2019]

Ilijazi, Venezija  ; Milić, Nenad  ; Milidragović, Dragan; Popović, Brankica  

Towards Quality Management Procedures in 3D Cadastre   [2024]

Višnjevac, Nenad  ; Šoškić, Mladen  ; Mihajlović, Rajica

Tagging in Volunteered Geographic Information: An Analysis of Tagging Practices for Cities and Urban Regions in OpenStreetMap   [2016]

Davidović, Nikola  ; Mooney, Peter; Stoimenov, Leonid  ; Minghini, Marco

Model of Point Cloud Data Management System in Big Data Paradigm (✓)   [2018]

Pajić, Vladimir  ; Govedarica, Miro  ; Amović, Mladen

Towards 3D Cadastre in Serbia: Development of Serbian Cadastral Domain Model (✓)   [2017]

Radulović, Aleksandra  ; Sladić, Dubravka  ; Govedarica, Miro  

Estimating the Performance of Random Forest versus Multiple Regression for Predicting Prices of the Apartments   [2018]

Ceh, Marjan; Kilibarda, Milan  ; Lisec, Anka; Bajat, Branislav  

A Method for Estimating Surveillance Video Georeferences   [2017]

Milosavljević, Aleksandar  ; Rančić, Dejan  ; Dimitrijević, Aleksandar  ; Predić, Bratislav  ; Mihajlović, Vladan  

Assessment of groundwater potential zones using GIS and Fuzzy AHP techniques - A Case Study of the Titel Municipality (Northern Serbia) (✓)   [2022]

Radulović, Mirjana  ; Brdar, Sanja  ; Mesaroš, Minučer  ; Lukić, Tin  ; Savić, Stevan  ; Basarin, Biljana  ; Crnojević, Vladimir  ; Pavić, Dragoslav  

Analytical Estimation of Map Readability   [2015]

Harrie, Lars; Stigmar, Hanna; Đorđević, Milan  


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