

Modelling And Simulation Matters Upon The Static Analysis Of A Building   [2017]

Duta, Alina; Sass, Ludmila; Jeli, Zorana  ; Marinescu, Gabriel-Catalin

Some Surfaces of Second Order as Examples of Weber's Surfaces (✓)   [2016]

Petrović, Maja; Malešević, Branko; Banjac, Bojan  

Anaglyph And 3D Model Usage In Education Of Mechanical Engineers   [2017]

Jeli, Zorana  ; Popkonstantinović, Branislav  ; Stojićević, Miša  ; Miladinović, Ljubomir

Some Surfaces of Second Order as Examples of Weber's Surfaces (✓)   [2015]

Petrovic, Maja  ; Malešević, Branko  ; Banjac, Bojan

Old facade presentation on real buildings using augmented reality (✓)   [2015]

Marinkovic, Jovan; Pejic, Petar  ; Krasic, Sonja  

Application of augmented reality in facade redesign presentation (✓)   [2015]

Pejić, Petar  ; Krasić, Sonja  ; Petković, Dušan Lj.  ; Veljković, Milica V.


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