

Comprehensive analysis of discussion forum participation - from speech acts to discussion dynamics and course outcomes   [2020]

Joksimovic, Srecko; Jovanović, Jelena  ; Kovanovic, Vitomir; Gasevic, Dragan ; Milikić, Nikola ; Zouaq, Amal; van, Staalduinen Jan Paul

From study tactics to learning strategies - an analytical method for extracting interpretable representations   [2019]

Fincham, Ed; Gasevic, Dragan ; Jovanović, Jelena  ; Pardo, Abelardo

IP Addressing: Problem-Based Learning Approach on Computer Networks (✓)   [2017]

Jevremović, Aleksandar  ; Šimić, Goran ; Veinović, Mladen  ; Ristic, Nenad

Persistence and performance in co-enrollment network embeddings - an empirical validation of Tinto's student integration model   [2021]

Fincham, Ed; Rozemberczki, Benedek; Kovanovic, Vitomir; Joksimovic, Srecko; Jovanović, Jelena  ; Gasevic, Dragan 

Measuring effects of technology-enabled mirroring scaffolds on self-regulated learning   [2020]

Milikić, Nikola ; Gasevic, Dragan ; Jovanović, Jelena  

Exploring student interactions with preparation activities in a flipped classroom experience   [2019]

Pardo, Abelardo; Gasevic, Dragan ; Jovanović, Jelena  ; Dawson, Shane; Mirriahi, Negin


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