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Browsing by Author Rakočević, Zoran

Showing results 1 to 20 of 32  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeМp-cat.
20163D-Microarchitectural patterns of Hyperostosis frontalis interna: a micro-computed tomography study in aged womenBracanović, Đurđa  ; Đonić, Danijela  ; Nikolić, Slobodan  ; Milovanović, Petar  ; Rakočević, Zoran ; Živković, Vladimir  ; Đurić, Marija  Article
2011A human mandible (BH-1) from the Pleistocene deposits of Mala Balanica cave (Sicevo Gorge, Nis, Serbia)Roksandić, Mirjana; Mihailović, Dušan  ; Mercier, Norbert; Dimitrijević, Vesna  ; Morley, Mike W.; Rakočević, Zoran ; Mihailović, Bojana; Guibert, Pierre; Babb, JeffArticle
2013Антрополошка анализа налаза из ктиторског гроба из цркве Светог Јована у СтуденициMiladinović-Radmilović, Nataša  ; Rakočević, Zoran ; Janović, Aleksa  Article
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2017Are there any specific signs of allergic fungal rhinosinusitis visible by computed tomography scan?Barac, Aleksandra  ; Pekmezović, Marina ; Rakočević, Zoran ; Janović, Aleksa  ; Bracanović, Đurđa  ; Antić, Svetlana  ; Stevanović, G.  ; Tomić-Spirić, Vesna  Conference Paper
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2017Association between regional heterogeneity in the mid-facial bone micro-architecture and increased fragility along Le Fort linesJanović, Aleksa  ; Milovanović, Petar  ; Hahn, Michael; Rakočević, Zoran ; Amling, Michael; Busse, Bjoern; Dimitrijević, Milovan  ; Đurić, Marija  Article
2016Does the presence of an unerupted lower third molar influence the risk of mandibular angle and condylar fractures?Antić, Svetlana  ; Saveljić, Igor  ; Nikolić, D.  ; Jovicić, G.  ; Filipović, N.  ; Rakočević, Zoran ; Đurić, M.Article
2015Evaluacija metode indukcije sinonazalnog sekreta za dokazivanje gljivica u sinusima u fiziološkim i patološkim stanjima kod pacijenata sa hroničnim rinosinuzitisimaBarać, Aleksandra M.  Doctoral theses
2014Evaluation of conventional and digital radiography capacities for distinguishing dental materials on radiograms depending on the present radiopacifying agentAntonijević, Đorđe  ; Ilić, Dragan ; Medić, Vesna ; Dodić, Slobodan  ; Obradović-Đuričić, Kosovka ; Rakočević, Zoran Article
2016EVALUATION OF SAMPLING ASSAYS FOR INDUCTION OF - SINONASAL SECRETIONS AND FOR THE FUNGI - RECOVERY FROM THE SINUSESArsić-Arsenijević, Valentina  ; Barać, Aleksandra  ; Pekmezović M; Rakočević, Zoran ; Tomić-Spirić, Vesna  Conference Paper
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2013Finite element analysis of the facial skeleton on simulated occlusal loadingNikolić, Dalibor  ; Saveljić, Igor  ; Filipović, Nenad  ; Janović, Aleksa M.  ; Rakočević, Zoran B. ; Đurić, Marija P.  Conference Paper
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2011Fullerenol C60(OH)24 decrease DNA damages on human lymphocytesMrđanović, Jasminka Ž.  ; S. Šolajić; Bogdanović, Višnja V.  ; Đorđević, Aleksandar N.  ; G. Bogdanović; R. Injac; Rakočević, Zoran B. Conference Paper
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2017Hyoid Bone and Thyroid Cartilage Metastases from Sigmoid Colon Adenocarcinoma: A Case ReportBracanović, Đurđa  ; Vuković, Vesna ; Janović, Aleksa  ; Radosavljević, Davorin  ; Rakočević, Zoran Article
2016Hyperostosis frontalis interna in postmenopausal womenPossible relation to osteoporosisĐonić, Danijela  ; Bracanović, Đurđa  ; Rakočević, Zoran ; Ivović, Miomira  ; Nikolić, Slobodan  ; Živković, Vladimir  ; Đurić, Marija  Article
2013In Vitro Radiographic Detection of Cement Overhangs on Cement-Retained Implant RestorationsAntonijević, Đorđe M  ; Obradović-Đuricić, Kosovka ; Rakocević, Zoran B ; Medigović, Ivana M. Article
2012Incidence of brain metastases in early stage HER2 3+ breast - cancer patients; is there a role for brain CT in asymptomatic patients?Milovanović, Zorka  ; Tomašević, Zorica  ; Rakočević, Zoran ; Tomašević, Zoran ; Inić Momčilo; Lukić Vesna; Kovač ŽeljkoArticle
2012Incidence of brain metastases in early stage HER2 3+ breast cancer patients; Is there a role for brain CT in asymptomatic patients?Tomašević, Zorica  ; Rakočević, Zoran ; Tomašević, Zoran ; Milovanović, Zorka  ; Inić M ; Kolarevic Daniela ; Lukić, Vladan  ; Kovac ZeljkoArticle
2015Intracranial Arteriovenous Malformations as a Possible Cause of Endocranial Bone Lesions and Associated Neurological DisorderJanovic, A.  ; Milovanović, P.  ; Sopta, J.  ; Rakočević, Z. ; Filipović, Vojislav  ; Nenezić, D.; Đurić, M.Article
2012Local control of glomus tumors of the head & neck by radiation therapy and surgerySlavko Vucicevic ; Nikitović, Marina R.  ; Radenković, Sandra S.  ; Zivanovic V; Jelena Bokun  ; Rakočević, Zoran B. ; Milošević, Zorica Č.  Article
2016Mathematical modeling and image analysis: possible clinical application in practice as a predictor of fungal rhinosinusitisBarac, Aleksandra  ; Pekmezović, Marina ; Rajković, Katarina; Rakočević, Zoran ; Janović, Aleksa  ; Bracanović, Đurđa  ; Stošović, Rajica  ; Spirić, Tomić, V  Conference Paper
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2016Mathematical modelling and image analysis: possible clinical application in practice as a predictor of fungal rhinosinusitisBarać, Aleksandra M.  ; Bracanović, Đurđa N.  ; K. Rajković; M. Pekmezovic; Rakočević, Zoran B. ; Janović, Aleksa M.  ; Stošović, Rajica M.  ; Tomić-Spirić, Vesna Lj.  Conference Paper
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