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Browsing by Author Kovač, Mirjana

Showing results 1 to 20 of 115  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeМp-cat.
2010+1040 C/T polymorphism in coding region of thrombin-activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor gene and the risk of idiopathic recurrent fetal lossPruner, Iva  ; Đorđević, Valentina  ; Miljić, Predrag  ; Kovač, Mirjana ; Antonijević, Nebojša  ; Rakićević, Ljiljana  ; Radojković, Dragica  Article
2014A High Prophylactic LMWH Dose Successfully Suppressed Haemostatic Activity in Pregnant Woman with a New Prothrombin FII G20031T (C.1787G > A) MutationKovac, Mirjana K ; Mikovic, Zeljko M; Mandic, Vesna  ; Djordjevic, Valentina J  ; Radojkovic, Dragica P; Lalic-Cosic, Sanja Z; Elezovic, Ivo VConference Paper
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2013A novel prothrombin c.1787G gt A mutation in Serbian family with recurrent thromboembolism-another case of antithrombin resistanceĐorđević, Valentina  ; Kovač, Mirjana ; Pruner, Iva  ; Francuski, D.; Radojković, Dragica  Conference Paper
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2013A novel prothrombin c.1787G > A mutation in Serbian family with recurrent thromboembolism-another case of antithrombin resistanceDjordjevic, Valentina J  ; Kovac, Mirjana K ; Pruner, Iva B  ; Francuski, Djordje D; Radojkovic, Dragica PConference Paper
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2013A novel prothrombin mutation in two families with prominent thrombophilia - the first cases of antithrombin resistance in a Caucasian populationĐorđević, Valentina  ; Kovač, Mirjana ; Miljić, Predrag; Murata, M.; Takagi, A.; Pruner, Iva  ; Francuski, D.; Kojima, T.; Radojković, Dragica  Contribution to periodical
2011Uspešan ishod trudnoće kod bolesnice sa urođenim nedostatkom antitrombinaKovač, Mirjana ; Miković, Željko  ; Rakićević, Ljiljana  ; Srzentic, Snezana; Mandic, Vesna  ; Đorđević, Valentina  ; Radojković, Dragica  Article
2021Analysis of the association of the CYP2C19 variants with the effects of clopidogrel therapy in patients underwent to carotid endarterectomyBačković, Dragana; Novković, Mirjana  ; Matić, Dragan; Antonijević, Nebojša; Strugarević, Evgenija; Kovač, Mirjana ; Kušić-Tišma, Jelena  ; Rakićević, Ljiljana  ; Radojković, Dragica  Conference Paper
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2016Anticoagulation in pregnancy and puerperium: With a focus on the benefits and risks of the applications of vitamin K antagonists on the prevention of mechanical heart valves thrombosisAntonijević, Nebojša  ; Jovanović, Ljubica ; Terzić, Branka; Kovač, Mirjana ; Ilić-Mostić, Tatjana  ; Živković, Ivana; Matić, Dragan  ; Lasica, Ratko  ; Ranković, Ivan ; Radovanović, Nebojša S.  ;
Ašanin, Milika  ; Kanjuh, Vladimir ;
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2020Antithrombin deficiency in pregnancy-the unresolved issuesKovac, Mirjana K Article
2017Are Prothrombotic Mutations a Time-to-Event Risk Factor?Tomić, Branko  ; Gvozdenov, Maja  ; Pruner, Iva  ; Simic, Jelena M; Kovač, Mirjana ; Radojković, Dragica  ; Đorđević, Valentina  Article
2012Are thrombophilia more multifactorial than we thought: report of mosaicism for FII G20210A and novel FII T20061C gene variantsĐorđević, Valentina  ; Mitić, G.  ; Pruner, Iva  ; Kovač, Mirjana ; Radojković, Dragica  Contribution to periodical
2023Assessment of blood transfusion use during hospital treatment of COVID-19 patients - a single center experienceMilutinović, Vojislava; Kovač, Mirjana K. ; Crnokrak, Bogdan; Zdravković, Marija D.  Article
2008Assessment of efficacy and clinical use of desmopressin in hemophiliac and von Willebrand disease patientsRakic, Ljiljana N; Mikovic, Danijela; Bogdanovic, Gradimir; Jankovic, Gradimir M; Kovac, Mirjana K ; Maslac, Aleksandar RConference Paper
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2024Assessment of Factor VIII Activity and D-Dimer Levels in the Post-COVID PeriodKovac, Mirjana ; Balint, Milena Todorovic; Milenković, Marija; Basaric, Dušica; Tomić, Branko  ; Balint, Bela; Ignjatović, VeraArticle
2012Assessment of risk factors for venous thromboembolism in women with breast carcinomaKovac, Zeljko; Kovač, Mirjana ; Đorđević, Valentina  ; Tomasević, Zorica  ; Pruner, Iva  ; Radojković, Dragica  Conference Paper
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2020Bazična i klinička transfuziologijaLukić, Vojislav; Kovač, Mirjana ; Bálint, Béla  ; Bogdanović, Gradimir D. ; Vasiljević, Nada; Vavić, Nataša ; Libek, Vesna; Jovičić, Milica; Romić, Marija ; Miković, Danijela;
Savić, Olivera; Đorđević, Valentina  ; Radojković, Dragica  ; Jovanović Srzentić, Snežana  ; Đilas, Iva ; Andrić, Zorana ; Simonović, Ružica; Čalija, Branko ; Mijović, Lidija; Palibrk, Ivan  ; Lađević, Nebojša  ; Veličković, Jelena  ; Antonijević, Vesna; Nešić, Dejan  ; Nikolić, Ljubinka I.  ; Šerbić, Olivera  ;
Text book
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2019Breast cancer and recurrent thrombosis - Results from prospective single center studyKovač, Mirjana ; Kovac, Zeljko; Tomasević, Zorica  ; Tomić, Branko  ; Gvozdenov, Maja  ; Radojković, Dragica  Contribution to periodical
2012C0157 Comparison of the incidence of treatment complications of low molecular weight heparin use during pregnancy in thrombophilic and non-thrombophilic womenMitić, Gorana  ; Kovač, Mirjana ; Mikic, Aleksandra Novakov; Jurisic, Djurdjina; Barjaktarović, Iva  Article
2014C0221: Genotype CYP2C19 Effects on Therapeutic Response During Clopidogrel Treatment in Patients with Carotid Artery StenosisBacković, Dušan  ; Kovač, Mirjana ; Calija, B.; Strugarevic, E.; Radak, D.; Rakićević, Ljiljana  ; Kušić Tišma, Jelena  ; Radojković, Danijela  ; Ignjatovic, S.  Conference Paper
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2011Can anticoagulant therapy improve the outcome of pregnancy in thrombophilic women?Kovač, Mirjana ; Miković, Z.; Mitić, G.; Đorđević, Valentina  ; Jaglicić, I; Mandić, V  ; Radojković, Dragica  Conference Paper
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