Showing results 1 to 20 of 109
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Type | Мp-cat. |
2017 | 150 Years of the Josimovic’s Proposal for the Regulation of the Belgrade’s Town in a Moat | Niković, Ana ; Manić, Božidar ; Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana  | Conference Paper | |
2018 | A Methodological Framework for the Integrated Planning of the Protection and Development of the Natural Resource Areas in Serbia -Case Study of the Spatial Plans for the Special Purpose Area for the Protected Natural Areas | Stefanović, Nebojša ; Danilović Hristić, Nataša ; Srnić, Danijela  | Article | |
2018 | A Possibility of Introducing the Concept of Form Into Urban Planning in Serbia | Niković, Ana ; Manić, Božidar  | Article | |
2015 | A Preliminary Analysis of Sustainable Development in the Belgrade Metropolitan Area | Zeković, Slavka ; Vujošević, Miodrag ; Maričić, Tamara  | Article | |
2019 | A Spatial Perspective on Demographic Change in Serbian Cities and Towns | Pantić, Marijana  | Article | |
2015 | Advantages of combined application of sea with ESIA in strategic planning for sustainable territorial development of tourism destinations | Nenković-Riznić, Marina ; Maksin, Marija ; Ristić, Vladica  | Article | |
2013 | An approach for researching urban and metropolitan areas under the conditions of dynamic changes | Petrić, Jasna ; Krunić, Nikola  | Conference Paper | |
2020 | Примена података "Urban Аtlas" у истраживању и планирању простора: пример Београда | Гајић, Александра ; Крунић, Никола  | Book parts | |
2011 | Bela Crkva urban morphology analysis with aim of improving urban structure and built space | Niković, Ana ; Manić, Božidar ; Marić, Igor  | Article | |
2019 | City of Belgrade: Between Reality and the European Green Capital | Pantić, Marijana ; Nenković-Riznić, Marina ; Milijić, Saša  | Conference Paper | |
2020 | Climate change adaptation within urban planning in Serbia | Crnčević, Tijana ; Niković, Ana ; Manić, Božidar  | Conference Paper | |
2014 | Komparativna analiza regionalne konkurentnosti i prostorne koncentracije: na primerima Podunavlja i regiona Beograda | Zeković, Slavka ; Vujošević, Miodrag ; Maričić, Tamara  | Book parts | |
2016 | Contemporary architectural and urban design practice in Belgrade and Serbia through the perspective of urban morphology approach | Niković, Ana ; Manić, Božidar ; Đokić, Vladan ; Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana  | Conference Paper | |
2015 | Contemporary architectural and urban design practice in Belgrade and Serbia through the perspective of urban morphology approach | Niković, Ana ; Manić, Božidar ; Đokić, Vladan ; Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana  | Conference Paper | |
2016 | Contemporary Serbian orthodox church architecture: Architectural competitions since 1990 | Manić, Božidar ; Tomić, D.V.; Niković, Ana  | Article | |
2015 | Dasymetric mapping of population distribution in serbia based on soil sealing degrees layer | Krunić, Nikola ; Bajat, Branislav ; Kilibarda, Milan  | Conference Paper | |
2013 | Dasymetric modelling of population dynamics in urban areas [Dasimetrično modeliranje dinamike prebivalstva na urbanih območjih] | Bajat, Branislav ; Krunić, Nikola ; Samardžić-Petrović, Mileva ; Kilibarda, Milan  | Article | |
2019 | Demographic Change as Opportunity or Constraint for Technological Development and Economic Growth in Cities of Serbia | Pantić, Marijana ; Živanović Miljković, Jelena ; Gajić, Aleksandra  | Conference Paper | |
2019 | Demographic Change in Serbian Mountain Areas - Trends, Characteristics and Pressures | Pantić, Marijana ; Milijić, Saša  | Contribution to periodical | |
2020 | Does appearance of the migrants change citizens perception of the public space? Case study of Belgrade, Serbia | Danilović Hristić, Nataša ; Stefanović, Nebojša  | Article | |