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Browsing by Project Održivi prostorni razvoj Podunavlja u Srbiji (RS-36036)

Showing results 1 to 20 of 109  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeМp-cat.
2017150 Years of the Josimovic’s Proposal for the Regulation of the Belgrade’s Town in a MoatNiković, Ana  ; Manić, Božidar  ; Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana Conference Paper
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2018A Methodological Framework for the Integrated Planning of the Protection and Development of the Natural Resource Areas in Serbia -Case Study of the Spatial Plans for the Special Purpose Area for the Protected Natural AreasStefanović, Nebojša  ; Danilović Hristić, Nataša  ; Srnić, Danijela  Article
2018A Possibility of Introducing the Concept of Form Into Urban Planning in SerbiaNiković, Ana  ; Manić, Božidar  Article
2015A Preliminary Analysis of Sustainable Development in the Belgrade Metropolitan AreaZeković, Slavka  ; Vujošević, Miodrag  ; Maričić, Tamara  Article
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2019A Spatial Perspective on Demographic Change in Serbian Cities and TownsPantić, Marijana  Article
2015Advantages of combined application of sea with ESIA in strategic planning for sustainable territorial development of tourism destinationsNenković-Riznić, Marina  ; Maksin, Marija ; Ristić, Vladica  Article
2013An approach for researching urban and metropolitan areas under the conditions of dynamic changesPetrić, Jasna  ; Krunić, Nikola  Conference Paper
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2020Примена података "Urban Аtlas" у истраживању и планирању простора: пример БеоградаГајић, Александра  ; Крунић, Никола  Book parts
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2011Bela Crkva urban morphology analysis with aim of improving urban structure and built spaceNiković, Ana  ; Manić, Božidar  ; Marić, Igor  Article
2019City of Belgrade: Between Reality and the European Green CapitalPantić, Marijana  ; Nenković-Riznić, Marina  ; Milijić, Saša  Conference Paper
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2020Climate change adaptation within urban planning in SerbiaCrnčević, Tijana  ; Niković, Ana  ; Manić, Božidar  Conference Paper
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2014Komparativna analiza regionalne konkurentnosti i prostorne koncentracije: na primerima Podunavlja i regiona BeogradaZeković, Slavka  ; Vujošević, Miodrag  ; Maričić, Tamara  Book parts
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2016Contemporary architectural and urban design practice in Belgrade and Serbia through the perspective of urban morphology approachNiković, Ana  ; Manić, Božidar  ; Đokić, Vladan  ; Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana Conference Paper
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2015Contemporary architectural and urban design practice in Belgrade and Serbia through the perspective of urban morphology approachNiković, Ana  ; Manić, Božidar  ; Đokić, Vladan  ; Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana Conference Paper
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2016Contemporary Serbian orthodox church architecture: Architectural competitions since 1990Manić, Božidar  ; Tomić, D.V.; Niković, Ana  Article
2015Dasymetric mapping of population distribution in serbia based on soil sealing degrees layerKrunić, Nikola  ; Bajat, Branislav  ; Kilibarda, Milan  Conference Paper
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2013Dasymetric modelling of population dynamics in urban areas [Dasimetrično modeliranje dinamike prebivalstva na urbanih območjih]Bajat, Branislav  ; Krunić, Nikola  ; Samardžić-Petrović, Mileva  ; Kilibarda, Milan  Article
2019Demographic Change as Opportunity or Constraint for Technological Development and Economic Growth in Cities of SerbiaPantić, Marijana  ; Živanović Miljković, Jelena  ; Gajić, Aleksandra  Conference Paper
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2019Demographic Change in Serbian Mountain Areas - Trends, Characteristics and PressuresPantić, Marijana  ; Milijić, Saša  Contribution to periodical
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2020Does appearance of the migrants change citizens perception of the public space? Case study of Belgrade, SerbiaDanilović Hristić, Nataša  ; Stefanović, Nebojša  Article