

Results 61-80 of 129

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeМ-cat.
2017Flow gene alleles of gliadin in wheat cultivars of SFRJKnežević, Desimir S.  ; A. Dragovič; D. Kondić; Branković, Gordana R.  Other
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2017Fenotipske promene pri sortnoj reprodukciji pšenice (✓)Đurić, Nenad  ; Cvijanović, Gorica  ; Dozet, Gordana  ; Branković, Gordana  ; Cvijanović, Vojin  ; Abuatwarat, SufyanArticle
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2017Grouping of red clover genotypes based on parameters of chemical quality (✓)Radinović, Irena P.  ; Vasiljević, Sanja Lj.  ; Aleksić, Jordan M.; Radović, Jasmina B.  ; Ramadan Salem Ahsyee; Branković, Gordana R.  Conference Paper
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2017Genetička analiza asocijacija agronomskih osobina i tehnološkog kvaliteta hlebne i durum pšenice (✓)Branković, Gordana R.  ; Dodig, Dejan B.  ; Pajić, Vesna S. ; Kandić, Vesna G.  ; Knežević, Desimir S.  ; Đurić, Nenad A.  Other
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2016Kombinacione sposobnosti za broj redova zrna inbred linija kukuruza različitih ciklusa rekurentne selekcijeSrdić, Jelena  ; Mile Sečanski  ; Goran Todorović  ; Gordana Branković  ; Snežana Jovanović; Nikola Grčić  ; Valentina Semenčenko  Other
Mp. category will be shown later
2016Expected genetic advance and stability of phytic acid and antioxidants content in bread and durum wheat (✓)Branković, Gordana  ; Dragičević, Vesna  ; Žilić, Sladjana  ; Knežević, Desimir  ; Durić, Nenad  ; Dodig, Dejan  Article
2016Exploring the Serbian GenBank barley (Hordeum vulgare L. subsp vulgare) collection for powdery mildew resistanceŠurlan-Momirović, Gordana ; Flath, Kerstin; Silvar, Cristina; Branković, Gordana  ; Kopahnke, Doris; Knežević, Desimir  ; Schliephake, Edgar; Ordon, Frank; Perović, DraganArticle
2016Correlation analysis of some production traits of PKB winter wheat varieties (✓)Đurić, Nenad A.  ; Cvijanović, Gorica T.  ; Dozet, Gordana K.  ; Matković Stojšin, Mirela R.  ; Branković, Gordana  ; Đekić, Vera  Other
Mp. category will be shown later
2016Variability of grain mass per spike in cultivars of triticale (xTriticosecale Wittm.) (✓)Knežević, Desimir  ; Branković, Gordana  ; Danijela KONDIC ; Sretenka SRDIC; Zečević, Veselinka  ; Matković Stojšin, Mirela  ; Atanasijević, Srđan Conference Paper
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2016Expected genetic advance for thousand grain weight and grain number per spike of bread wheat and durum wheatBranković, Gordana  ; Dodig, Dejan  ; Knežević, Desimir  ; Kandić, Vesna  ; Pavlov, Jovan M.  Article
2016Korelacijska analiza nekih produktivnih osobina PKB sorata ozime pšenice (✓)Đurić, Nenad  ; Cvijanović, Gorica  ; Dozet, Gordana  ; Matković, Mirela  ; Branković, Gordana  ; Đekić, Vera  Article
Mp. category will be shown later
2015Očekivana genetička dobit za sadržaj albumina kod hlebne i durum pšeniceBranković, Gordana  ; Dragičević, Vesna D.  ; Dodig, Dejan B.  ; Knežević, Desimir  ; Gordana Šurlan-Momirović; Kobiljski, Borislav Đ. Other
Mp. category will be shown later
2015Albumin content in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) as affected by the environmentBranković, G.  ; Dragičević, Vesna  ; Dodig, Dejan  ; Knežević, D.  ; Kobiljski, Borislav ; Šurlan-Momirović, Gordana Article
2015Očekivana genetička dobit za staklavost zrna durum pšenice (✓)Branković, Gordana  ; Dodig, Dejan B.  ; Kandić, Vesna G.  ; Knežević, Desimir  ; Gordana Šurlan-Momirović ; Đurić, Nenad A.  Other
Mp. category will be shown later
2015Genetic identity control of protein electrophoresis during variety reproduction of wheat (✓)Đurić, Nenad A.  ; Cvijanović, Gorica  ; Matković Stojšin, Mirela R.  ; Dozet, Gordana  ; Branković, Gordana R.  ; Trkulja, VesnaOther
Mp. category will be shown later
2015Technological quality of winter wheat varieties in contrasting environments and its relationship with yieldKandić, Vesna G.  ; Dodig, Dejan B.  ; Branković, Gordana  ; Šurlan Momirović G; Simić, Marijana Z.  Conference Paper
Mp. category will be shown later
2015Heritability, genetic advance and correlations of plant height, spike length and productive tillering in bread wheat and durum wheatBranković, Gordana  ; Dodig, Dejan  ; Knežević, Desimir  ; Kandić, Vesna  ; Pavlov, Jovan  Article
2015Variability and stability of bread and durum wheat for phytic acid contentBranković, Gordana R.  ; Dragičević, Vesna D.  ; Dodig, Dejan B.  ; Knežević, Desimir S.  ; Denčić, Srbislav S. ; Gordana Šurlan-MomirovićConference Paper
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2015Phytic acid, inorganic phosphorus, antioxidants in bread and durum wheat and their associations with agronomic traitsBranković, Gordana  ; Šurlan-Momirović, Gordana ; Dragičević, Vesna  ; Dodig, Dejan  ; Kandić, Vesna  ; Sečanski, Mile  ; Knežević, Desimir  Article
2015Control of genetic identity by protein electrophoresis in varietal reproduction of wheat (✓)Đurić, Nenad  ; Cvijanović, Gorica  ; Matković, Mirela  ; Dozet, Gordana  ; Branković, Gordana  Article
Mp. category will be shown later

Results 61-80 of 129