

Results 41-60 of 81

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeМ-cat.
2014The Effect of Feeding Programmes on Broiler Performance and Production Efficiency (✓)Tolimir, Nataša  ; Milošević, Niko; Ceranić, Slobodan; Škrbić, Zdenka  ; Maslovarić, Marijana  Conference Paper
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2014The effect of genotype and the number of farrowing on sow fertility traitsMilovan Pušić; Radišić, Robert  ; Nikola Popović  ; Radmila Beskorovajni  ; Nataša Tolimir  Conference Paper
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2014Effect of feeding programs with different protein and energy levels on the performance and carcass quality of broilersMilić Dragan; Tolimir, Nataša  ; Vukić-Vranješ Marina; Maslovarić, Marijana  ; Stanaćev VladislavConference Paper
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2014Correlations between incidence of foot pad lesions and body weight of broilers in different rearing systems (✓)Škrbić, Zdenka  ; Z. Pavlovski; Lukić, Miloš  ; Petričević, Veselin  ; Tolimir, Nataša  ; Stojanović, Ljiljana Conference Paper
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2013Byproducts: when are the feed components animal food and when are microbiological wasteStevanović, Jasna ; Tolimir, Nataša  ; Biljana Miljković; Snježana PupavacConference Paper
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2013Role of Extension Services in Promoting Multifunctional Agriculture and Integrated Rural Development in SerbiaJanković, Snežana  ; Kuzevski, Janja ; Tolimir, Nataša  ; S Berjan; H El Bilal; Tomić, Vedran  Conference Paper
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2013Impact of nutrition on growth dynamics and quality of broiler carcass of different genotypesTolimir, Nataša  ; Perić, Lidija  ; Niko Milošević; Đukić-Stojčić, Mirjana  ; Maslovarić, Marijana  Conference Paper
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2013Effect of multi-phase feeding on growth, main carcass parts, and nitrogen content in faeces of broiler chickensTolimir, N.  ; Perić, L.  ; Milošević, N.; Djukić-Stojčić, Mirjana  ; Bogdanović, Vladan  ; Jovanović, R.  Article
2013Effect of phytogenic additives on performance, morphology and caecal microflora of broiler chickens (✓)Vukic-Vranjes, M. ; Tolimir, Nataša  ; Vukmirović, Đuro ; Čolović, Radmilo ; Stanacev, V.; Ikonić, Predrag  ; Pavkov, S.Article
2012Application of NIR Technology for the Quality Control of Sunflower and Soybean Meal Available on the Serbian MarketMaslovarić, Marijana  ; Jovanović, Rade  ; Janković, Snežana  ; Tolimir, Nataša  ; Marina VUKIĆ-VRANJEŠConference Paper
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2012Testing concentrate feed mixtures with increased selenium concentration in order to produce eggs as functional foodTolimir, Nataša  ; Jovanović, Rade  ; Maslovarić, Marijana  ; Marina Vukić-Vranješ; Milanka DrinićConference Paper
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2012Egg quality of Japanese quail in Serbia (Coturnix coturnix japonica)Đukić-Stojčić, Mirjana  ; Milošević, Niko; Perić, Lidija  ; Jajić, Igor  ; Tolimir, Nataša  Article
2012The effect of phase nutrition during starter period on production performances and nitrogen content in feces of broilers of different genotypesTolimir, N.  ; Perić, L.  ; Milošević, N.; Djukić-Stojčić, Mirjana  ; Jovanović, R.  ; Bogdanović, Vladan  Article
2012The Effect of Phase Nutrition on Productive and Slaughtering Performances of Different Broiler GenotypesTolimir, Nataša  ; Perić, Lidija  ; Niko Milošević; Đukić-Stojčić, Mirjana  ; Jovanović, Rade  ; D. MilićConference Paper
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2012Uticaj multifazne ishrane brojlera na karakteristike rasta, proizvodne performanse i životnu sredinu (✓)Tolimir, Nataša  Doctoral theses
2012Effects of Multiphase Nutrition on Carcass Traits of Broilers and Nitrogen Content in FecesTolimir, Nataša  ; Perić, Lidija  ; Niko Milošević; Đukić-Stojčić, Mirjana  ; Maslovarić, Marijana  ; Biljana MiljkovićConference Paper
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2011Application of NIR technology in the animal food industryMaslovarić, Marijana  ; Jovanović, Rade  ; Janković, Snežana  ; Lević, Jovanka  ; Tolimir, Nataša  Conference Paper
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2011Одрживо управљање пољопривредним газдинством : резултати огледа 2011. (✓)Јанковић, Снежана  ; Кузевски, Јања ; Толимир, Наташа  ; Чолић, Славица  ; Поповић, Раде  Other
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2011Management problems in the farming ostrich (✓)Biljana Miljković; Tolimir, Nataša  ; Zlatica Pavlovski; Radanović, Oliver  ; Ivan Pavlović; R. ProdanovArticle
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2010Effects of multi-phase feeding on production performance of broilersTolimir, Nataša  ; Perić, Lidija  ; N. Milošević; Janković, Snežana  ; Bogdanović, Vladan  Article
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Results 41-60 of 81