

Results 1-20 of 23

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeМ-cat.
2024Effects of Structured Physical Activity on Motor Fitness in Preschool Children (✓)Kojić, Filip  ; Arsenijević, Radenko  ; Grujić, Gabrijela  ; Toskić, Lazar  ; Šimenko, JožefArticle
2023Relationship between aerobic fitness and morphology is affected by training status in early adolescents (✓)KOJIĆ, Filip  ; ARSENIJEVIĆ, Radenko S.  ; MESAROŠ-ŽIVKOV, Angela; ILIĆ, Vladimir  ; ĐURIĆ, Saša Article
2023EXAMINING THE LINK BETWEEN MOTOR FITNESS AND MORPHOLOGY IN 10-YEAR-OLD CHILDREN (✓)Radin, Ivana; Arsenijević, Radenko  ; Marković, Živorad  ; Kojić, Filip  Article
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2023Relationship between Body Composition and Gross Motor Coordination in Six-Year-Old Boys and Girls (✓)Kojic, Filip  ; Pelemis, Vladan  ; Jorgic, Bojan M  ; Olanescu, Mihai A; Suciu, Adrian; Peris, MirunaArticle
2022Does back squat exercise lead to regional hypertrophy among quadriceps femoris muscles? (✓)Којић, Филип  ; Мандић, Данимир  ; Пелемиш, Владан  Article
2022Implementation of an unstable surface exercise program in physical education curriculum: effects on strength and morphological features. Kinesiologia Slovenica (✓)Kojić, Filip  ; Marković, Miroslav; Živanović, Vladimir  ; Branković, Dragan  ; Obradović, Miloš; Đurić, SašaArticle
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2022Relationship between hypertrophy, strength gains and tensiomyography adaptations - a moderator role of contraction duration (✓)Kojić, Filip  ; Arsenijević, Radenko  ; Ilić, Vladimir  ; Đurić, SašaArticle
2022Implementation of an unstable surface exercise program in physical education curriculum: effects on strength and morphological features (✓)Којић, Филип  ; Живановић, Владимир  ; Бранковић, Драган  Article
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2022Pelemiš, V., Mandić, Levels of physical activity as predictors of defining the body composition of adolescents after the SARS-CoV-2 virus pandemic (✓)Pelemiš, Vladan  ; Mandić, Danimir  ; Branković, Dragan  ; Živanović, Vladimir  ; Kojić, Filip  Conference Paper
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2022Body morphology and gait transition of adolescents - a comprehensive approach (✓)Đurić, Dragan; Dobrijević, Slobodanka  ; Kojić, Filip  ; Ranisavljev, Igor  ; Đurić, Saša ; Ilić, Vladimir  Article
2021Quadriceps femoris cross-sectional area and specific leg strength: relationship between different muscles and squat variations (✓)Kojić, Filip  ; Đurić, Saša; Ranisavljev, Igor  ; Stojiljković, Stanimir  ; Ilić, Vladimir  Article
2021Resistance training induces similar adaptations of upper and lower‑body muscles between sexes (✓)Којић, Филип  ; Мандић, Данимир  Article
2021Anthropometric measures, cross-section area and muscle mass as predictors of one-repetition maximum of muscle contraction (✓)Kojić, Filip  ; Ranisavljev, Igor  ; Arsenijević, Radenko  ; Ilić, Vladimir  Conference Paper
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2021Physical activity and eating habits of students of the University of Belgrade: An epidemiological study (✓)Obradovic, Milos; Nesic, Goran P; Popovic, Aleksandra; Bozic, Predrag; Savic, Zoran S; Kojic, Filip  ; Djuric, SasaArticle
2021Uticaj dve različite varijante tempa i ritma izvođenja vežbi sa opterećenjem na morfološke i kontraktilne adaptacije mišića (✓)Kojić, Filip  Doctoral theses
2021Relationship between the 30-second Burpee test variation and anthropometric and motor dimensions in female university students (✓)Којић, Филип  ; Мандић, Данимир  ; Пелемиш, Владан  Article
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2021Разлике у повезаности антропометријских димензија и моторичких способности код предшколске деце и студената (✓)Којић, Филип  ; Бранковић, Драган  ; Пелемиш, Владан  ; Живановић, Владимир  Conference Paper
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2021Effects of resistance training on hypertrophy, strength and tensiomyography parameters of elbow flexors: Role of eccentric phase duration (✓)Kojić, Filip  ; Ranisavljev, Igor  ; Ćosić, Dušan; Popović, Dejana  ; Stojiljković, Stanimir  ; Ilić, Vladimir  Article
2020Preschool childrens engagement in structured physical activity (✓)Džinović Kojić, Danica R.  ; Kojić, Filip  Book parts
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2019Quantitative and Qualitative Characteristics of Motor Skills of Preschool Children/Kvantitativna i kvalitativna obilježja motoričkih sposobnosti djece predškolske dobi (✓)Mandić, Danimir  ; Pelemiš, Vladan  ; Džinović, Danica  ; Madić, Dejan  ; Kojić, Filip  Article

Results 1-20 of 23