

Results 1-20 of 80

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeМ-cat.
2024Floral Nectaries in Leguminosae: Structure, Diversity, and Possible EvolutionSinjushin, Andrey  Reviews
2024Kritični momenti u proizvodnji krmnog bilja (✓)Dolapčev-Rakić, Anja  ; Katanski, Snežana  ; Uhlarik, Ana  ; Vasiljević, Sanja  ; Đorđević, Vuk  ; Mamlić, Zlatica  ; Tančić Živanov, Sonja  ; Sinjushin, Andrey  ; Balać, Miloš; Popov, SinišaConference Paper
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2024Reproductive morphology and success in annual versus perennial legumes: evidence from Astragalus and the Fabeae (Papilionoideae)Sinjushin, Andrey  ; Ploshinskaya, Maria; Sytin, Andrey  Article
2024Effect of different extraction methods on the content of trypsin inhibitors in common bean podsSinkovič, Lovro; Hasanaklou, Hourieh Tavakoli; Pipan, Barbara; Meglič, Vladimir; Ilić, Aleksandra  ; Uhlarik, Ana  ; Sinjushin, Andrey  ; Ignjatov, Maja  ; Nagl, Nevena  Conference Paper
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2024Integrated morphological analysis of floral nectaries and androecia in the tribe Phaseoleae (Leguminosae, Papilionoideae)Sinjushin, Andrey  Article
2023Unequal stability of diferent parts in the fag blossom (Leguminosae) with notes on factors afecting variability of pentamerous pentacyclic angiosperm fowersSinjushin, Andrey  Article
2023Značaj gajenja leguminoza u biljnoj proizvodnji (✓)Mamlić, Zlatica  ; Đukić, Vojin  ; Dozet, Gordana  ; Abdurhman, Asma; Dolapčev-Rakić, Anja  ; Sinjušin, Andrej  ; Đurić, Nenad  Conference Paper
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2023К юбилею Маргариты Александровны МонаховойSinjushin, Andrey  Contribution to periodical
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2023Ovule Number and Flower Size in Pea (Pisum sativum L.): Variation, Heritability, and Correlation with Some Components of ProductivitySinjushin, Andrey  ; Ash, Olga; Khartina, GalinaArticle
2023Число семязачатков у гороха (Pisum sativum L.): наследуемость, изменчивость и связь с компонентами продуктивностиSinjushin, Andrey  ; Aš, Olga; Hartina, GalinaConference Paper
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2022Phenotypes of Floral Nectaries in Developmental Mutants of Legumes and What They May Tell about Genetic Control of Nectary FormationSinjushin, Andrey  Article
2022Usage of Morphological Mutations for Improvement of a Garden Pea (Pisum sativum): The Experience of Breeding in RussiaSinjushin, Andrey  ; Semenova, Elena; Vishnyakova, MargaritaArticle
2022Evaluation of the Possible Contribution of Various Regulatory Genes to Determination of Carpel Number as a Potential Mechanism for Optimal Agricultural YieldAbiri, Naghmeh; Sinjushin, Andrey  ; Tekdal, Dilek; Cetiner, SelimArticle
2022Variations in Structure among Androecia and Floral Nectaries in the Inverted Repeat-Lacking Clade (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae)Sinjushin, Andrey  ; Ploshinskaya, Maria; Maassoumi, Ali Asghar; Mahmoodi, Mohammad; Bagheri, AliArticle
2022Связь симметрии цветка бобовых (Leguminosae) с особенностями срастания тычинок и морфологией флоральных нектарниковSinjushin, Andrey  Conference Paper
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2022Aleksandar Mikić, the legume (re)searcher (✓)Vishnyakova Margarita; Sinjushin Andrey  ; Ćupina Branko  ; Rubiales Diego; Ellis Noel; Patto Carlota Vaz; Medović Aleksadar; Zorić Lana  ; Smýkal PetrArticle
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2021Seed propagation in four perennial species of Astragalus (Leguminosae, Papilionoideae, Galegeae): productivity, non-random seed abortion and germination rateSinjushin, Andrey  Article
2021Evolutionary History of the Leguminous FlowerSinjushin, Andrey  Article
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2021Статистические ошибки и как их избегают, или о корректном анализе количественных данных в селекцииSinjushin, Andrey  Article
Mp. category will be shown later
2021The duration of the life cycle is associated with C-value and affects reproductive features in the Fabeae, the tribe with largest genomes in FabaceaeSinjushin, Andrey  Article

Results 1-20 of 80