Protection of Cultural Heritage and Strategic Environmental Assessment in Serbia
Crnčević, Tijana 

Touristic Option as a Stategy for Preserving Historical Places [2016]
Danilović Hristić, Nataša M.

Historic Urbs, Contemporary Civitas – Challenges of Coexisting [2017]
Banković, Angelina; Vukelić, Dejan

150 Years of the Josimovic’s Proposal for the Regulation of the Belgrade’s Town in a Moat
Niković, Ana 

Urbani pejzaž i ispitivanje urbane transformacije Beograda, 1789-1914 / Urban Landscape and Researching the Urban Transformation of Belgrade, 1789-1914 [2017]
Ćorović, Dragana

Morphological framework of the historical town: theory and practice of city-building [2017]
Niković, Ana

The Principles of Protection and Improvement of Historic Urban Areas Implemented in the Plan of Detailed Regulation of the Old Core of Zemun [2016]
Stefanović, Nebojša D.

Protection of Cultural Heritage and Strategic Environmnetal Assessmen
Crnčević, Tijana 

Development Possibilities of Historic Towns in Shrinkage – Case Study of Łódź, Poland
Antonić, Branislav 

Predeo kao savremeni medijum planiranja prostornog razvoja [2016]
Vasiljević, Nevena

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