Research outputs
Effect of Aging and Carotid Atherosclerosis on Multifractality of Dental Pulp Blood Flow Oscillations
Dželetović, Bojan 

Tissue Dissolution by Sodium Hypochlorite: Effect of Concentration, Temperature, Agitation, and Surfactant [2010]
Stojičić, Sonja; Živković, Slavoljub

Marginal Gaps between 2 Calcium Silicate and Glass lonomer Cements and Apical Root Dentin
Biočanin, Vladimir 

The Levels of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor and Bone Morphogenetic Protein 2 in Dental Pulp Tissue of Healthy and Diabetic Patients [2012]
Ilić, Jugoslav

Human Cytomegalovirus and Epstein-Barr Virus Genotypes in Apical Periodontitis Lesions [2015]
Jakovljević, Aleksandar

Experimental Evaluation on the Influence of Autoclave Sterilization on the Cyclic Fatigue of New Nickel-Titanium Rotary Instruments [2012]
Plotino, Gianluca; Costanzo, Alberto; Grande, Nicola M.; Petrović, Renata

Prevalence of Apical Periodontitis and Conventional Nonsurgical Root Canal Treatment in General Adult Population: An Updated Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Cross-sectional Studies Published between 2012 and 2020
Jakovljević, Aleksandar 

Addition of a Fluoride-containing Radiopacifier Improves Micromechanical and Biological Characteristics of Modified Calcium Silicate Cements
Antonijević, Đorđe 

Đurić, Marija;
Biocompatibility Investigation of New Endodontic Materials Based on Nanosynthesized Calcium Silicates Combined with Different Radiopacifiers
Ćetenović, Bojana 

Ferrule Effect: A Literature Review [2012]
Juloski, Jelena

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