

Project planning and risk management as a success factor for IT projects in agricultural schools in Serbia (✓)   [2020]

Vujovic, Vuk; Denic, Nebojsa M  ; Stevanovic, Vesna; Stevanovic, Malisa; Stojanovic, Jelena N  ; Cao, Yan; Alhammadi, Yasir; Jermsittiparsert, Kittisak; Hiep, Van Le; Wakil, Karzan;
Radojkovic, Ivan;

The impact of digital transformation and digital marketing on the brand promotion, positioning and electronic business in Montenegro (✓)   [2020]

Melovic, Boban; Jocovic, Mijat; Dabic, Marina; Backovic-Vulic, Tamara; Dudic, Branislav  

Keeping up with the drones! Techno-social dimensions of tourist drone videography   [2022]

Vujičić Miroslav  ; Kennell James; Stankov Uglješa  ; Gretzel Ulrike; Vasiljević Đorđije  ; Morrison A.M.

Managing innovation in the era of AI (✓)   [2023]

Željko Tekić  ; Johann Füller

Liberalization of the Mobile Telephony Market in the Republic of Serbia   [2009]

V. Tintor; V. Milicevic; M. Janković; J. Radunović

Identification of the important variables for prediction of individual medical costs billed by health insurance (✓)   [2020]

Mladenovic, S. S.  ; Milovancevic, M.  ; Mladenovic, I.  ; Petrovic, Jelena  ; Milovanovic, D.; Petković, B.  ; Resic, S.; Barjaktarevic, M.


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