

On Multipliers of Holomorphic Fp,q α Type Spaces on the Unit Polydisc (✓)   [2012]

Arsenović, Miloš M.  ; R. Shamoyan

Common Coupled Fixed Point Theorems for a Pair of Sb-metric Spaces   [2023]

Indubala, Thounaojam; Rohen, Yumnam; Khan, Mohammad Saeed; Fabiano, Nicola

Collatz Hypothesis and Planck’s Black Body Radiation (✓)   [2024]

Fabiano, Nicola; Mirkov, Nikola S.  ; Radenović, Stojan 

Some Observations on Koide Formula (✓)   [2022]

Fabiano, Nicola; Mirkov, Nikola  ; Radenović, Stojan 


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