
еНаука >  Резултати >  Management of Rapid Growth in the Rift between the Principles of Sustainability, Market Requirements and Strategic Planning – the Possible Approaches to Local Planning of National Park Kopaonik Area
Назив: Management of Rapid Growth in the Rift between the Principles of Sustainability, Market Requirements and Strategic Planning – the Possible Approaches to Local Planning of National Park Kopaonik Area
Аутори: Mitrović, Biserka  ; Simeunčević, Sanja ; Ralević, Miodrag  ; Klišmanić, Tanja
Остала ауторства: Schrenk, Manfred; Popovich, Vasily V.; Zeile, Peter
Година: 2011
Публикација: REAL CORP 2011. Change for Stability – Lifecycles of Cities and Regions. The Role and Possibilities of Foresighted Planning in Transformation Processes : Proceedings of 16th international conference on Urban Planning and Spatial Development in the Information Society
Издавач: Schwechat : CORP - Competence Center of Urban and Regional Planning
Тип резултата: Конференцијски рад
ISBN: 978-3-9503110-0-6 Претражи идентификатор
978-3-9503110-1-3 Претражи идентификатор
Колација: str. 591-599
URI: https://raf.arh.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/549
http://corp.at/fileadmin/proceedings/CORP2011_proceedings.pdf; http://www.corp.at/archive/CORP2011_179.pdf
URL: http://corp.at/fileadmin/proceedings/CORP2011_proceedings.pdf; http://www.corp.at/archive/CORP2011_179.pdf
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