
eNauka >  Rezultati >  Visual Control of a Mobile Robot Using Homography and Learning from Demonstration Methodology,Visual Control of a Mobile Robot Using Homography and Learning from Demonstration Methodology
Naziv: Visual Control of a Mobile Robot Using Homography and Learning from Demonstration Methodology,Visual Control of a Mobile Robot Using Homography and Learning from Demonstration Methodology
Autori: Marko Mitić; Miljković, Zoran  ; Najdan Vuković; Ivan Lazarević
Godina: 2013
Publikacija: Proceedings of the 4th Serbian Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
Izdavač: SERBIAN Society of Mechanics (Beograd), Srbija
Tip rezultata: Konferencijski rad
ISBN: 978-86-909973-5-0 Pretraži identifikator
Kolacija: str. 675-680
Izvor metapodataka: Migrirano iz RIS podataka
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