
eNauka >  Results >  Low energy electron and positron transport in biologically relevant materials
Title: Low energy electron and positron transport in biologically relevant materials
Authors: Dujko, Saša  ; Petrović, Zoran  ; R.D. White; R. E. Robson; G. Boyle; W. Tattersall; M. Casey; S. J. Buckman; M. J. Brunger; G. Garcia
Issue Date: 2012
Publication: in Proceedings of the QSMC 2012 (Quantum Scattering codes and Monte Carlo simulations to model dynamical processes in biosystems) NANO-IBCT Workshop
Publisher: COST Action NANO-IBCT (Instituto de Matematicas y Fisica Fundamental), Spain
Type: Conference Paper
Collation: str. 27-27
Metadata source: Migrirano iz RIS podataka
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