
eNauka >  Rezultati >  Aging-related increase of cGMP disrupts mitochondrial homeostasis in Leydig cells
Naziv Aging-related increase of cGMP disrupts mitochondrial homeostasis in Leydig cells
Autori: Kostić, Tatjana S.  ; Srđan Sokanović  ; Z Kojić; Medar, Marija Lj.  ; Silvana Andrić  ; Tatjana Kostić  
Godina: 2019
Publikacija: 14th Conference on Mitochondrial Physiology: Mitochondrial function: changes during life cycle and in noncommunicable diseases - COST MitoEAGLE perspectives and MitoEAGLE WG and MC Meeting., 14th Conference on Mitochondrial PhysiologyMitochondrial function:changes during life cycleand in noncommunicable diseasesCOST MitoEAGLE perspectives andMitoEAGLE WG and MC Meeting, Beograd, Srbija, 2019, 13-16, October 2019
Tip rezultata: Konferencijski rad
Izvor metapodataka: Migracija
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