
eNauka >  Results >  Positive synergistic effect of the hazardous waste use for secondary lead metallurgy, energy efficiency and waste minimization
Title: Positive synergistic effect of the hazardous waste use for secondary lead metallurgy, energy efficiency and waste minimization
Authors: Štulović, Marija  ; Mihailović, Aleksandar; Anđić, Zoran  ; Korać, Marija  ; Kamberović, Željko  
Issue Date: 2014
Publication: Metallurgical & Materials Engineering
ISSN 2217-8961 Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Search Idenfier
Publisher: Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia AMES
Type: Article
Collation: vol. 20 br. 3 str. 171-181
Project: Inovativna sinergija nus-produkata, minimizacije otpada i čistije proizvodnje u metalurgiji (RS-34033)

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