
eNauka >  Results >  Broadband enhancement of light harvesting and photocatalytic devices
Title: Broadband enhancement of light harvesting and photocatalytic devices
Authors: Cvetanović Zobenica, Katarina  ; Rašljić, Milena B.  ; Obradov, Marko M.  ; Mladenović, Ivana O.  ; Jakšić, Zoran S. 
Issue Date: 2019
Publication: Book of abstracts - The Seventh International School and Conference on Photonics - PHOTONICA2019, August 26 - August 30, 2019, Belgrade
Publisher: Belgrade : Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts
Belgrade : Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences
Type: Conference Paper
ISBN: 978-86-7306-153-5 Search Idenfier
Collation: str. 167-167
Metadata source: Migracija
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