
eNauka >  Results >  Absorbed fractions of electrons and beta particles due to radon progeny in sensitive regions of human respitatory tract calculated by MCNP5/X
Title: Absorbed fractions of electrons and beta particles due to radon progeny in sensitive regions of human respitatory tract calculated by MCNP5/X
Authors: Krstić, Dragana  ; Marković, Vladimir  ; Nikezić, Dragoslav  ; D. Vučić
Issue Date: 2012
Publication: The First International Conference on Radiation and Dosimetry in Various Fields of Reserch-RAD2012
Publisher: Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of Niš, Niš, Serbia, Srbija
Type: Conference Paper
ISBN: 978-86-6125-063-7 Search Idenfier
Collation: str. 347-350
Metadata source: Migrirano iz RIS podataka
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