
eNauka >  Results >  Antimicrobial Activity and Content of Heavy Metals, Micro and Micro Elements in Infusums of Some Medical Plants.
Title: Antimicrobial Activity and Content of Heavy Metals, Micro and Micro Elements in Infusums of Some Medical Plants.
Authors: Đukić Dragutin ; Mašković Pavle  ; Vesković-Moračanin Slavica  ; Mandić Leka  ; Zelenika, Milica ; Đurović Vesna  ; Boškovic Ivana
Issue Date: 2016
Publication: Meždunarodnoй konferencii' Sovremennыe aspektы selьskohozяйstvennoй mikrobiologii', 7-8. 12. 2016., Moskva, Sbornik abstrakti, s. 14-15
Publisher: Ministerstvo selskogo hozjajstva Rossijskoj federacii, Russijskij gosudarstvennij agrarnij universitet MSHA imeni K.A. Timirjazeva, Predsedatel Lukomec V.M., Rusija
Type: Conference Paper
ISBN: 978-5-9675-1582-8 Search Idenfier
Collation: str. 14-15
Metadata source: Migrirano iz RIS podataka
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