
еНаука >  Резултати >  Analaysis of Contextualism of Non-residential Uses in the Oldest Housing Superblock in New Belgrade (with the emphasis on the example of building of the Childrens Hospital of Serbia)
Назив: Analaysis of Contextualism of Non-residential Uses in the Oldest Housing Superblock in New Belgrade (with the emphasis on the example of building of the Childrens Hospital of Serbia)
Аутори: Gajić, Ranka  
Година: 2013
Публикација: International Conference and Exhibition: „On Architecture“
Издавач: STRAND-Sustainable Urban Society Association, Belgrade, Beograd, Srbija
Тип резултата: Конференцијски рад
ISBN: 978-86-89111-04-0 Претражи идентификатор
Колација: str. 217-233
URI: https://enauka.gov.rs/handle/123456789/449373
Извор метаподатака: Migrirano iz RIS podataka
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