
еНаука >  Резултати >  Comparative technical-economic analysis of application the dumping process of fly ash and slag from thermo power plants, heating plants and metallurgical plants by conventional procedures and backfilling to the 'place of origin' i.e. in the abandoned mined areas of mines with previous preparation and application of modern dumping technologies, reclamation and remediation and modern methods of protection
Назив: Comparative technical-economic analysis of application the dumping process of fly ash and slag from thermo power plants, heating plants and metallurgical plants by conventional procedures and backfilling to the 'place of origin' i.e. in the abandoned mined areas of mines with previous preparation and application of modern dumping technologies, reclamation and remediation and modern methods of protection
Аутори: Dimovski, Predrag; Hojka, Zdravko ; Dželetović, Željko  
Година: 2012
Публикација: Rudarski radovi, Bor
ISSN: 1451-0162 Претражи идентификатор
Тип резултата: Научни чланак
Колација: br. 4 str. 91-114
DOI: 10.5937/rudrad1204091d
URI: https://enauka.gov.rs/handle/123456789/471332
Извор метаподатака: Migrirano iz RIS podataka
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