
eNauka >  Rezultati >  Invasive plants in lowland Serbia - spreading and threats
Naziv: Invasive plants in lowland Serbia - spreading and threats
Autori: Anačkov, Goran  ; Šinžar-Sekulić Jasna  ; Rat, Milica  ; Radak, Boris  ; Pal Boža
Godina: 2011
Publikacija: Book of Abstracts 11th International Conference on the Ecology and Management of Alien Plant Invasions "Bridging the gap between scientific knowledge and management practice", 11th Conference on the Ecology and Management of Alien Plant Invasions "Bridging the gap between scientific knowledge and management practice", Szombathely, Hungary, 2011
Izdavač: Hungary
Tip rezultata: Konferencijski rad
Kolacija: str. 56-56
Izvor metapodataka: Migracija
Mp kategorija će biti prikazana naknadno.

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