
eNauka >  Results >  Surgical aspects of the treatment of bronchiecstasis in Kartagener's syndrome
Title: Surgical aspects of the treatment of bronchiecstasis in Kartagener's syndrome
Hirurški aspekti lečenja bronhiekstazija kod Kartagenerovog sindroma
Authors: Marić, Nebojša  ; Stojković Dejan; Cvijanović Vlado  ; Ristanović Aleksandar  ; Vešović Nataša; Kostovski Vanja; Miranović Bojana; Pandrc Milena  ; Đenić Ljubinko
Issue Date: 2015
Publication: MD-Medical Data : Medicinska revija = Medical Review
ISSN: 1821-1585 MD Medical data Search Idenfier
Publisher: Udruženje za kulturu povezivanja Most Art Jugoslavija, Zemun ; Pasterovo društvo, Novi Sad
Type: Article
Collation: vol. 7 br. 4 str. 319-321
Metadata source: Migrirano iz RIS podataka

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