
eNauka >  Results >  The effect of spermidine supplementation on expression of DNA methyltransferase genes (DNMT1A and DNMT1B) in honey bees
Title: The effect of spermidine supplementation on expression of DNA methyltransferase genes (DNMT1A and DNMT1B) in honey bees
Authors: Pihler, Ivan  ; Kebert, Marko  ; Radišić, Predrag  ; Đorđievski, Srđana  ; Čelić, Tatjana  ; Vukašinović, Elvira  ; Kojić, Danijela  ; Purać, Jelena  
Issue Date: 2022
Publication: Abstract Book, EurBee 9, 9th European Congress of Apidology, Belgrade, Serbia, 20-22 September
Type: Conference Paper
ISBN: 978-86-7078-173-3
Collation: str. 170-170
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