
eNauka >  Rezultati >  Effect of the Sationary Phase and Mobile-Phase Modifier on the Retention of Some Thiazoles. Correlation with the Lipophilicity of the Compounds
Naziv: Effect of the Sationary Phase and Mobile-Phase Modifier on the Retention of Some Thiazoles. Correlation with the Lipophilicity of the Compounds
Autori: Perišić-Janjić Nada; Djakovic-Sekulic Tatjana  ; Popov-Pergal K.
Godina: 2003
Publikacija: Journal of Planar Chromatography: Modern TLC / Thin Layer Chromatography
ISSN: 0933-4173 Journal of Planar Chromatography: Modern TLC / Thin Layer Chromatography Pretraži identifikator
Tip rezultata: Naučni članak
Kolacija: vol. 16 br. 5 str. 363-368
22M22 - Rad u istaknutom međ. časopisu

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