
еНаука >  Резултати >  Composition dependence of the of the DC and AC conductivity of non-crystalline semiconductors of Cux[(As2Se3)0.9(AsI3)0.1]100−x type
Назив: Composition dependence of the of the DC and AC conductivity of non-crystalline semiconductors of Cux[(As2Se3)0.9(AsI3)0.1]100−x type
Аутори: Skuban Fedor  ; Lukić Svetlana  ; Slankamenac Miloš; Petrović Dragoslav
Година: 2007
Публикација: Ninth Annual Conference of the Yugoslav materials research society, "YUCOMAT 2007", Programme and The Book of Abstracts, Ninth Annual Conference of Yugoslav materials research society, Herceg Novi, 2007, No 9
Тип резултата: Конференцијски рад
ISBN: 978-86-80321-11-0 Претражи идентификатор
Колација: str. 105-105
URI: https://www.cris.uns.ac.rs/record.jsf?recordId=26441&source=eNauka&language=en
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